We greatly appreciate the help of G. Blewitt, who processed all the RINEX data used in this project and produced the GPS time-series.
The GPS analysis would not have been possible without the efforts of the International GNSS Service and all GPS network investigators for network maintenance and for, together with the data archives, making data freely available. In particular, we thank the following networks/archives: AFREF; Alabama Department of Transportation (DOT) CORS network, U.S.; Albuquerque Real Time GNSS Network, U.S.; Arpa Piemonte, Italy; Asia Pacific Crustal Monitoring System; AZGPS, U.S.; BANIAN, New Caledonia; BARD, U.S.; Bureau of Meteorology, Australia; Canary GNSS Centre; CDDIS, U.S.; CORS-NGS, U.S.; Danish GPS Center; DPGA-TUDELFT, The Netherlands; EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, U.S.,; ERVA Institute Geographic Valencia, Spain; EUREF; FLEPOS, Belgium; FREDNET, Italy; GEODAF, Italy; Geodetic Observatory Pecny, Czech Republic; GeoNet, New Zealand; Geosciences Australia; Gobierno de la Rioja, Spain; GREF-BKG; GPSCOPE-INSU; HEMUNET, Bulgaria; Idaho National Laboratory, U.S.; Indiana DOT CORS network, U.S.; Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia; Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Spain; Instituto Geográfico Português, Portugal; Instituto Technologico Agrario, Castilla y León, Spain; Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Spain; Iowa DOT CORS network, U.S.; KARA, U.S.,; Laboratorio di Topografia, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy; LATPOS, Latvia; Leica Kazachstan; Leica SmartnetUSA, U.S. and Canada; Lower Colorado River Authority, U.S.; MAGNA-ECO, Colombia; Maine DOT CORS network, U.S.; Mesa county, Colorado, U. S.; Missouri DOT CORS network, U.S.; Minnesota DOT CORS network, U.S.; Natural Resources Canada; NEGAR, California Institute of Technology, U.S.; NEARNET, University of Nevada, Reno; NOANET, Greece; Norwegian Mapping Authority; OLGGPS, Austria; Pacific Geoscience Centre, Canada; Pacific GPS Facility, Hawaii, U.S.; Panamá Canal Authority, Panama; PANGA, U.S.; Provincia di Milano, Italy; RAMSAC, Argentina; RBMC Brasil; Red Andaluza de Poscionamiento, Spain; Red de Estaciones de Referencia GNSS de Euskadi, Spain; Red Extremeña de Posicionamiento, Spain; Red de Geodesia Activa de Navarra, Spain; Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy; Regione Campania, Italy; Regione Emilia Romagna, Italy; Regione Liguria, Italy; Región de Murcia, Spain; REMOS, Venezuela; RENAG, France; Réseau GNSS Permanent, France; Rete GPS Veneto, Italy; RING-INGV, Italy; SCIGN, U.S.; Seiler Instrument Company, U.S.; SONEL, France; SOPAC, U.S.; South Carolina DOT CORS network, U.S.; STPOS Bolzano, Italy; SUGAR-NTU, Singapore; Survey of Israel; TAZNET, Arizona, U.S.; Texas DOT CORS network, U.S.; TGRef, Romania; TRIGNET, South Africa; UNAVCO, U.S.; Universidad de Cantabria; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain; University of Western Ontario, Canada; and Washoe County, Nevada, U.S; West Virginia DOT CORS network, U.S.
We also thank all Principal Investigators for making data available from the following NSF-funded networks or regions: Africa Array, Andes (CAP), Antarctica (PoleNet), Bhutan, Calabria, CocoNET, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Greenland (PoleNet), Hawaii, Iceland, Mediterranean, Mexico, Mid-America (GAMA), New Zealand (SAGE). Pamir Mountains, Puerto Rico, Rio Grande Rift, SUOMI-NET, Tanzania, and Uganda
We thank these Institutions/networks which provided raw RINEX data that are otherwise not available publicly/anonymously: British Columbia Active Control System, Canada; British Isles continuous GNSS Facility (BIGF), U.K.; Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG), Kirghistan; GEONET, GSI, Japan; Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), Mexico; Jeddah Municipality, Saudia Arabia; Las Vegas Valley Water Authority, Nevada, USA; Leica SmartNet, Australia; Leica SmartNet (ITALPOS), Italy; Linz AG, Austria; LITPOS, Lithuania; Low-Latitude Ionospheric Sensor Network (LISN); Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Italy; REGNA, Servicio Geográfico Militar, Uruguay; TURNGPS, Utah, USA; WALCORS, Belgium.
We thank these individuals who provided unpublished GPS velocity results: J. Bogusz, A. Holland, H. Mora, Z. Shen, M. Steckler, and C. Subarya.
We furthermore thank all investigators who contributed additional information to help us include their published results. We particularly thank N. Teferle for making the results of Almuselmani et al. [2008] available, and M. Sato for sharing results that are under review.
We finally thank the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the GIPSY-OASIS II software and for clock and orbit parameters.
Users of the data and model results are asked to refer to Kreemer et al. (2014).
Kreemer, C., G. Blewitt, E.C. Klein, 2014, A geodetic plate motion and Global Strain Rate Model, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, 3849-3889, https://doi.org/10.1002/2014GC005407.
Comments or questions about this page? Send email to Corne Kreemer (kreemer unr.edu)